Grief Means More Than You Think: 3 Reasons We Grieve
Grief is not an everyday word. But maybe it should be. Google Dictionary defines it as a “deep sorrow, especially caused by someone’s death,” and that’s mostly how we use it. Only on the doleful, rainy days of a funeral do we allow ourselves the time to actually stop and grieve. But there are other events, occasions, or happenings when it is okay, and even beneficial, to embrace the deep sorrow we naturally feel when we lose something. The act of mourning appropriately acknowledges loss and allows the mourner to move on in a healthy manner. In other words, grieving is an opportunity, and too often we deny ourselves the chance to mourn.
1. You can grieve the loss of a relationship.
It is natural for friends to come and go. Like glaciers drifting apart slowly over time, friends often float down differing canals due to the intrinsic currents of life. When pals part ways, sweethearts break up, or a relationship changes for the worst, take the needed time to grieve the loss. Don’t allow insecurity or a broken heart to deter you from wisely navigating the impacts of a damaged bond.
2. You can grieve the loss of innocence.
Regret from a major blunder often hounds us in the aftermath and instills a fear so great that we bury the aching memory deep inside. Rather than avoiding or coping unhealthily with the loss of innocence, embrace the reality of the situation and grieve appropriately. Everybody makes mistakes, and it is okay to go through a season of grief for a loss of innocence. You are not your mishaps, and they cannot define your future without your consent. Mourn the loss, and bury the memory fittingly.
3. You can grieve the loss of an objective.
A strong vision casted can offer hope and motivation as we fight passionately to succeed. Often, however, passion and vision aren’t enough, and, for whatever reason, we don’t attain the results we desire. Before rushing to the next big idea, take time to grieve your loss. Through a mourning season, not only can you lay to rest the hurt of supposed failure, but you can recognize your mistakes, learn from them, and emotionally ready yourself for future attempts.
Despite a suppressive culture, allow yourself the opportunity to grieve your losses, whatever they may be. Like holding a funeral, allowing a season of mourning can offer a stronger sense of inner peace and liberation for future possibilities. The singe of pain will often remain, but the pain can only bind if we allow it. And, like a crisp dawn, mourning laments the night while celebrating new day. It’s okay to grieve. It’s okay to make grief an everyday word if it can help us attain the peace we need to move forward.